The Long House: Open Lid

In the light of the Projective Cast

[think beautifully » pull away » move » start walking » open lid » take apart]

The Long House was an exploration in the paradox of fluidity and rigidity, and reflects what I have learned in my apprenticeship. I feel rigidity is associated with the assemblies of orthogonal projective pictorial space and fluidity can be synonymous with the assemblies of curvilinear sculpted space.

The Long House represents a static structure transformed by a kinetic orientation, thusly, kinetic space and occupational behavior become fluid experiences.

For the briefest of moments you have allowed me to become the flaneur and within the Long House is where I reside.

In the fullness of time, the Long House gives way to the new . and emerges forth another timeless place – the Long House becomes the Long Park . (figure 49)

IT IS APRIL 22, 2103. (figures 50 thru 53)

[think beautifully » pull away » move » start walking » open lid » take apart]